How to Create a New Product or Service Offering: A Step-by-Step Process to Help You Get It Right
Client needs are constantly changing.  So is the marketplace.  Keeping your business fresh and relevant is one of your primary responsibi...
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What's Really Going On? Understanding Team Dynamics Without Undermining Leaders
Imagine this scenario: You’ve recently promoted a leader in your organization to bring some new energy to an important area of the business. ...
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How to Use Sensemaking to Lead More Effectively & Make Sound Decisions
I love puzzles. There's something very rewarding about sorting through a pile of pieces, spotting patterns, making matches and putting it all toget...
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3 Ways to Improve Your Strategic Thinking Skills
Do you remember a game from your childhood where you started with an unrecognizable collection of dots on a page, drew a line between them in just ...
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How to Figure out What Other People are Thinking
“I wonder what she’s thinking…” How many times have you thought that before or after talking with one of your team members? Wouldn’t it be great if...
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Group of tourists look into thick forest from open roofed cars.
Leadership Lessons From Unexpected Places: 3 Tales To Consider
My husband and I recently returned from a trip to India, a captivating place that is an explosion of vivid sights, sounds and smells. From the Taj ...
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The Power of the Question: Get Better Results By Saying Less and Asking More
When was the last time you had an a-ha moment?   Eureka experiences often start the same way – with a question. But as leaders we often ...
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Innovation that Works: Jump-starting New Ideas in your Business this New Year
One of the things I hear leaders talking about more and more these days is innovation. Good thing, because it’s must-have stuff in today’s rapidly ...
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