Woman high-fiving a man during a business meeting
What is Executive Presence? Find Your IT Factor
 What makes someone a leader? It goes without saying that to get to where you are, you must have achieved meaningful job performance. But bein...
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Reading glasses magnify underlying text of a magazine
5 Books For Leadership Growth | Expand Your Thinking
The most successful leaders are lifelong learners. They don’t run from change; they see it as an opportunity to develop new skills. They don&...
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riders going by crowd extremely fast during bicycle road race
How to Create a Personal Board of Directors and Accelerate Your Career
The meeting was over, and I returned to my office feeling extremely satisfied with the results. Then I heard a knock on the door and looked up to s...
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Man spreads his arms wide as he sits on top a mountain
6 Ways to Project Confidence In Front of An Audience
You look around and see all eyes are on you. Your heart is beating quickly. You’re having trouble catching your breath. The sense of fear and...
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How to Make the Toughest Calls of Leadership [BONUS]
The buck stops here. How true. President Truman knew it. And all great leaders embrace it. We can (and should) empower others to make decisions whe...
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Woman working on a tablet at a restaurant.
Stepping Up To Leadership: How to Succeed As Your Career Expands
The night before my first day in my very first leadership position, my stomach was in knots. I tried to convince myself that the knots were because...
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Looking up at trees with a wide angle lens
Growing From Conflict: Learn How To Thrive In Difficult Situations
Few things in life are certain.An old adage narrows down the list to two items: death and taxes. But I’d argue that as journey-minded leaders...
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