How to Create a New Product or Service Offering: A Step-by-Step Process to Help You Get It Right
Client needs are constantly changing.  So is the marketplace.  Keeping your business fresh and relevant is one of your primary responsibi...
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What's Really Going On? Understanding Team Dynamics Without Undermining Leaders
Imagine this scenario: You’ve recently promoted a leader in your organization to bring some new energy to an important area of the business. ...
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How To Be A Better Decision Maker: Thinking Through The Big Stuff
Decision-making is a big part of a leader’s job. So much rides on what you decide. You want to make the right call, but the choice is not alw...
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Notebook that reads stop worrying about perfection with the last word underlined
Letting Go of Perfect: How To Overcome Perfectionism
 I can't draw. At least that's what I've always told myself. But after years of believing I didn't have any artistic ability, I finally worke...
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Leading Change: 5 Questions Every Leader Should Ask
 Navigating through change is one of the biggest challenges leaders face.  Usually, significant change happens every now and then. But o...
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Woman high-fiving a man during a business meeting
What is Executive Presence? Find Your IT Factor
 What makes someone a leader? It goes without saying that to get to where you are, you must have achieved meaningful job performance. But bein...
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Man holding an illuminated lightbulb
Three Business Trends in 2024 and How Leaders Can Leverage Them
2020 was a year like none other, forever changing how we live and work. But with disruption also comes opportunity.  Here are t...
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Overcome Entrepreneur Burnout: How to Stop Working So Much
 Workaholism and the burn-out it often brings can undermine even the strongest leader's mental health and well-being. That trapped-on-a-treadm...
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