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5 Ways Hobbies Can Help You Live and Lead at Your Best
What are your hobbies?You can tell a lot about a leader by the way they answer that question.If you’d asked me a few years ago what my hobbies were...
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woman types on keyboard at her desk
How to Go From Feeling Overwhelmed as a Leader To I've Got This
Your car wouldn’t start this morning. You’re behind on finishing the report that’s due tomorrow. Your boss just called an urgent ...
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Mastering the Art of Delegation: Five Steps for Letting Go and Empowering Others
The idea of delegation goes back forever.As communities formed, tasks were delegated based on skills and experiences that would best help the group...
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Looking down a staircase at a man walking down.
How to Find Success On The Entrepreneur Journey: A Navigation Guide
The journey matters as much as the destination.Well-intentioned people like to drop this pearl of wisdom on entrepreneurs who are single-minded in ...
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The Ultimate Guide to Leading and Living with Purpose
"The journey matters as much as the destination."   Well-intentioned people like to remind those of us who are driven souls a...
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Five Questions for Navigating Through Change
Regardless of how you feel about change, it’s going to happen. Life will always throw you uncertainty and upheaval. The real question is what are y...
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Are You Powered by Purpose?
Are you living with purpose?I think a lot of us ask this question wondering if what we do really matters and if it’s changing the world for better....
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The Secret to Achieving Early Success - and Appreciating It
Meet my friend Rachel Bell – wife, mom and successful entrepreneur. She founded her company, Shine, in the UK in 1998 (about the same time I start...
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