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From Unproven to Unprecedented: How to Get Buy-in For Something That's Never Been Done Before
Doing something new and different sounds exciting. But it’s almost never easy. In fact, it can be downright lonely as you work to convince the worl...
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Man spreads his arms wide as he sits on top a mountain
6 Ways to Project Confidence In Front of An Audience
You look around and see all eyes are on you. Your heart is beating quickly. You’re having trouble catching your breath. The sense of fear and...
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7 Inspiring TED Talks You've Probably Never Heard
Looking for a little inspiration?If you’re like most busy leaders, you’d love something to kick-start your thinking or give you a fresh perspective...
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Last Crop in Fallsville: A Lesson of Love and Compassion
Like you, I’ve been inspired by the many kindnesses shown to those impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Neighbor helping neighbor.But it shouldn’t take a ...
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Leading Through Uncertainty: 3 Ways To Find Opportunity During Change
Every leader I talk with these days is leading through some kind of change. I suspect you are, too.Maybe you’re in an industry that’s b...
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How to Make the Toughest Calls of Leadership [BONUS]
The buck stops here. How true. President Truman knew it. And all great leaders embrace it. We can (and should) empower others to make decisions whe...
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Man balance on a log as he walks through the forest.
4 Ways To Achieve Greater Work Life Balance for Leaders
One aspect of leadership I am asked about more frequently than almost any other – by both men and women – is work-life balance. That el...
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A yellow sign points in both directions to showcase unclear decision making.
Becoming An Agile Leader: How To Find Success in Uncertain Times
We live in an increasingly disrupted world. Thanks to powerful forces such as technology, analytics, globalization and social media, nothing stays ...
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